a missional approach to Forming Lutheran Disciples
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Images of Baptism: New Birth and Adoption
To read Images of Baptism is a bit like being back in the classroom (as I was three decades ago) with Maxwell E. Johnson, whose teaching style was direct, straight forward, to the point, and thus quite engaging. His introduction to chapter 2, “Baptism as New Birth and Adoption,” begins by stating liturgical scholarship’s “accepted” […]

Images of Baptism: Participation in the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ
It is the quintessential image of baptismal images as Paul says in Romans 6: Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, […]

Images of Baptism: The Full Baptismal Plunge
The ecumenical report Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry (WCC, 1982)—a valuable indication of where the various member denominations stood on those practices both theologically and ritually—said that the images of baptism “are many but the reality is one” (II, A-E). It is that plurality of images that we intend to explore in this new series over […]

More Wisdom from Author Chad Lakies
In this video interview, Dr. Lakies suggests that a “winsome witness” includes a willingness to enter into conversation with others in order to see people “in the complexity of their full humanity.” The video is six minutes in length. To view, one must be logged into Google. Pastor Lakies has been on the podcast circuit […]
We have been privileged to present information about the adult catechumenate in a variety of settings.
This list includes upcoming and past events.
We welcome conversations with church leaders interested in organizing a workshop or presentation on the topic.

Multiethnic Symposium
Learning From Each Other: Catechesis That Raises Up Multiethnic Leaders for the Kingdom In the context of a multiethnic church, catechesis becomes a powerful tool for raising up leaders who can effectively minister to diverse communities. The 2025 Multiethnic Symposium plenaries and sectionals will explore how the church can equip future leaders with knowledge, skills […]

Prof Insights
Kent and Rhoda are scheduled to lead a workshop on the adult catechumenate in the Wisconsin Rapids area (North Wisconsin District). According to the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis website, “The Prof Insights: Faculty-Led Workshop Series offers in-depth study on contemporary topics that influence the practice of ministry and worship. Bringing the Seminary to you, members […]

A Prophetic Challenge
Kent and Rhoda led a three-hour seminar at the annual gathering of the Institute of Liturgical Studies, Valparaiso, IN. Here’s the description of this well-received time of presentations, activities, and discussion: A consumer culture challenges the church on two fronts. From within, an “attractional” pattern for outreach has commodified the church and its message. From […]