a missional approach to Forming Lutheran Disciples
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What is the Role of a Sponsor in the Adult Catechumenate?
Adult sponsors play an important role in the formation of new Christians. This week we begin a two-part series on the role of sponsors in the catechumenate. First, this week, what is the role of a sponsor? In two weeks, Rhoda will address the traits of an effective sponsor. When considering the role of sponsors, […]
The OCIA is Coming: What is this?
It is not quite paramount to recent changes in the language of the Mass among Roman Catholics, but it is a significant shift: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is being replaced by the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). This change entails both the replacement of the ritual process for becoming […]
A Conversation with the Co-Authors of “Lay Me in God’s Good Earth”
This week Rhoda interviews Kent and his other research partner and co-author, Dr. Beth Hoeltke, about their book Lay me in God’s Good Earth. The authors discuss how they got drawn into the topic of natural burial, the Christian lens of the book, and the expansive approach of the book, which encourages pastors and lay […]
Formational Reading of Scripture Series
Today we wrap up the Formational Reading of Scripture Series by reviewing briefly each of the three “methods” of Scripture study commonly used in adult faith formation settings—African, Luther’s Four Strand Garland, and Visualization. Drawing on Understanding Faith Formation: Theological, Congregational, and Global Dimensions by Maddix, Kim, and Estep, Kent introduced this series by highlighting […]
Upcoming Events: Help Us Plan What You Need
Although we are beyond the grant-funded phase of Forming Lutherans, we are still eager to share the results of our research and our knowledge of adult faith formation with LCMS pastors. These are ways in which we can do so at no cost to participants. All options require equipment for a Zoom gathering (strong internet connection, projector and screen, good microphone, and tech person on your end to manage the technology in the room with multiple people).
Congregational Meeting
If you, the pastor of a congregation, would like to introduce congregational leaders to a process of adult faith formation, we could meet virtually with you and your lay leadership, offer resources to introduce the idea of the adult catechumenate to the leadership, and/or lead a session on the type of Scripture study appropriate for […]
Pastors’ Retreat
If one or more circuits has a one- or two-day retreat, we could offer an extended program with a mix of presentations, discussions about current practices for receiving new members, and visioning about how individual congregations might benefit by introducing aspects of adult faith formation incrementally in a congregation. For a successful event, the retreat […]
Winkel Gatherings
Looking for a topic for an upcoming Winkel gathering? If your gathering place has the equipment for a Zoom meeting with a small group, one or both of us could lead a short presentation and discussion on the benefits of an adult catechumenate model. We can tailor the presentation to various times, from a minimum […]