Multiethnic Symposium
Learning From Each Other: Catechesis That Raises Up Multiethnic Leaders for the Kingdom
In the context of a multiethnic church, catechesis becomes a powerful tool for raising up leaders who can effectively minister to diverse communities. The 2025 Multiethnic Symposium plenaries and sectionals will explore how the church can equip future leaders with knowledge, skills and spiritual maturity to serve God’s kingdom faithfully.
Kent and Rhoda will offer a plenary presentation titled “A House of Catechesis and Prayer for All Nations: Formation through a Contextualized Catechumenate.”
To be “a house of prayer for all nations” calls for shaping a catechumenate contextualized to both the local and trans-local cultures so that a congregation’s communal life expresses the multi-ethnic character of the church universal. Building a house of catechesis and prayer for all nations does not come naturally to fallen human creatures; it requires transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. Drawing on our research, we will consider four ways that a congregation is transformed by the Spirit to engage the culture through a catechumenal process that is transcultural; contextual; counter-cultural; and cross-cultural. Through deep engagement with Scripture, by learning from each other and praying with one another, the Spirit can ignite hearts and minds to envision a transformative catechumenate that fosters discipleship amid all cultures and that creates a house of catechesis and prayer for all nations.
For more information: https://www.csl.edu/event/multiethnic-symposium-2025/