An Act of Repentance
This video excerpt features Reverend Daniel Eggold, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Lafayette, Indiana (with a cameo appearance by Reverend Timothy Droegemueller, pastor of Living Faith Lutheran Church, Cumming, Georgia). The two pastors presented on at the virtual conference held in June 2021, Orbiting Christ: Belonging, Believing, Behaving. Their conversation, in which they discussed their practices of preaching and teaching, was titled “Faith That Comes through Hearing: Teaching and Preaching Christ.”
Pastor Eggold begins this excerpt by “repenting” of a sin. To find out his “sin,” you will have to watch the video, which is less than five minutes. He’s a convert to an adult catechumenal process that does more than impart information, asserting that faith formation is something different and happens through both teaching and worship. Pastor Eggold’s teaching includes listening to and honoring the questions that the adult catechumens bring to the table.
Blessed Epiphany to all.